Step A - Student RegistrationStudent registration verifies custody, residency, and conducts an initial review of health requirements for potential Early Childhood families.
- Complete the online registration.
- Please bring the following documents to our Student Registration Desk, located in the lobby of the JEH Education Center (1500 McDaniel Avenue, Evanston), to complete registration.
- Original birth certificate (visa or passport if one is not available); and
- Any applicable court documents (custody agreement, guardianship, order of protection); and
- Proof of residency is part of the registration process whereby documentation is needed to show that you live within the district boundaries. Copies of current documents that show your name, the student's address, a date, and identifies the source must be submitted. Monthly bills must be no more than 90 days old. Please black out the account and social security information from these documents.
If you have questions about District 65 student registration, please call (847) 859-8065.
Once the registration process has been finalized, please bring the D65 Early Childhood Checklist to the Early Childhood Welcome Window and learn about our intake process.
Step B - Eligibility IntakeThe eligibility intake process verifies age, income, selection or special education status, as applicable, to determine if potential Early Childhood families are eligible to receive services.
Family Support Specialists or Special Education staff will contact families to schedule an Eligibility Intake appointment. On the date of the appointment, families are required to submit age, income and selection criteria documentation, as applicable. See “Required Documentation” section for details. Families whose children qualify for inclusion Early Childhood Special Education services are also required to complete Eligibility Intake and provide all supporting documentation according to state and federal guidelines. Please note appointments may take up to 2 hours and require follow-up meetings.
Required Documents
- Any of the items that were not submitted during Student Registration*
- (2) current/consecutive paycheck stubs or other income documentation
- Emergency Contacts* and Transportation Information
- (2) Emergency Contacts (minimum: name, phone number, and address of anyone you give permission to pick up your child from school or receive your child from the bus)
- Transportation Information: (1) pick-up and drop-off location addresses (2) transportation contact name, phone number and address must be added to the Emergency Contacts in order for students to be released to these individuals.
- Primary physician and dentist contact information (name, phone number, and address)
- Medial Card/TANF, if applicable
- Current physical exam* (click here for a copy of Certificate of Child Health Examination)
- Health History Section completed by the parent/guardian
- Up-to-date immunizations including varicella and physician’s signature
- Labs including date and results for (1)TB (2) Lead (3)HGB/HCT
- Physical exams must be dated within six months or 12 months of the start date of school. Family Support Specialists will inform parents about the physical date.
- Current Dental Exam* (click here for more information including medical forms)
(*only required, if not submitted or incomplete during Student Registration)
If you have questions about the eligibility intake process, please call the JEH Early Childhood Center at (847) 859-8300.
Step C - Notification: Selection/Enrollment OR Wait List
The JEH Early Childhood Center staff will notify families about their Selection/Enrollment OR Wait List Status.
Potential Early Childhood families receive notification stating if they were placed on the Selection List and are scheduled to complete Enrollment OR were placed on the Wait List. Families will be notified of their status prior to the start of school.
If you have questions about the notification process, please call the JEH Early Childhood Center at (847) 859-8300.